5 Keys to Becoming a Basketball Coach and the Interview Process

I want to become a head coach? Here are the 5 Keys to Becoming a Basketball Coach and the Interview Process.

Becoming a Basketball Coach

Over the next month or so I’m going to do discuss getting a basketball job and the interview process, kind of things like that. Things that I’ve collected over the years for that. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a head coach of a junior high team, head coach of a high school team or NBA head coach. I think there’s some key components that you as a coach need to be able to do before you do that.

So I’m just gonna go through these. First thing I think you have to ask yourself is especially if you’re an assistant coach and want to leave, which is great. I only hire assistant coaches that want to be a head coaches.

If you want your first basketball coaching job, you have to ask yourself, where do I want to go, why do I want to go there? What can I bring to the table in that community, in that school, in that a specific basketball program? I think he had to start making a list.

My Personal Journey

I’ll tell you a personal story of mine. Before I got my first head job, I made a list. I knew about the geographic area I wanted to be in. Then I looked at every possible boys head basketball program and probably decided on 10 or 15 schools that I thought had a chance to be successful in basketball. I actually ended up on one of the schools on that list and we have won 3 state championships.

If you want to be a head basketball coach you have to take a chance. You can always change your location and look for better job. You can always look for a more supportive community or more supportive administration, whatever it is, especially if you’re in the, in the high school ranks. There’s always people looking for good coaches. If you want to be a head coach make sure to make a list and ask yourself why, where, how, when…. Why are they looking for new coach? Was the coach fired? What is the salary?

Related: 4 Interview Questions to Ask a Basketball Assistant


Coach Unplugged Podcast

EP: 127: 5 Keys to Getting A Basketball Coaching Job and Interview

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